What is BioEnergy Code
Angela Carter claims that The BioEnergy Code works towards helping you to achieve contentment, happiness, and calmness in life. Your whole perspective of life changes, and you realize how to get more positive in your outlook and to handle problems easily. You will find yourself a completely transformed personality once you start practicing these tips. The BioEnergy Code is based on our neuroscience and bioenergy activating switch which has been spoken about for ages in science and energy.The methods and teachings have been transformed into a very easily understandable instruction book for everyone to follow. It is a life-changing program using audio tracks to help in unblocking the chakras by stimulating the BioEnergy areas of your body.
The author also claims that you will get financial and mental relief on using this program – I’m not too sure of the financial relief part, but I definitely experienced mental peace for sure! The program comprises 30-minute audio which does not need any silence or meditation. It just releases very powerful frequencies to have your chakras awakened. There are several frequencies it uses such as the 432 Hz frequency or ‘God frequency’ to achieve financial stability. As the program comes to you in audio form, you get instant access as soon as you buy. The program is full of ancient chakra teachings and Tibetan tactics to organize the brain, body, and spirit to function better. The aim is to get your best physical, spiritual, and mental powers released. The program claims to get you tuned to universal power that guides you in all walks of life. This power changes your brain wave pattern to the Theta state to give you the power of manifestation. Unlike the other programs available in the market, the program is said to help you get the power of manifestation through divine energy guidance and help you recognize everything in life. You will be able to identify the hidden negativities in life and get rid of them easily.How it Works
Let’s take a closer look at how it all works with the BioEnergy Code. When you listen to the audio meditation, you will undergo 9 phases:- Welcome the energy – the creator welcomes you to the audio frequency energy to put you in the mood.
- Foundational energy – you begin to realize those aspects which are not secure. You have an idea of the areas that do not help you and begin to remove those obstacles through curated visualization.
- Personal power energy optimization – you start to discover your real self and get over those negative things.
- Deals with relational energy – this phase is called the Sacral Chakra stage where you identify your emotions to align the relationships.
- Emphasize the heart energy – you will learn to come out of life’s disappointments and discover the love around you.
- Focus on expression energy – you will become eloquent in speech and tell the truth.
- Emphasizes intuition energy – you get an insight as to how to end the self-doubt and start trusting.
- Focuses on oneness energy – you will begin to interact with universal energy and experience the energy of oneness.
- Ensures power extension – you find yourself in an organized version, with a good grasp of all your talents, and know-how to organize your life.
- The Heart Healer talks about the heart, how the bioenergy of the heart eliminates all negative thoughts.
- A BioEnergy Code Manual to give deep knowledge about chakras and the impact of the same on your mental health.
- BioEnergy Code Decoded, an illustration of the entire curriculum.
- Five Minutes BioEnergy healing, which is a 5-minute version of how BioEnergy heals.
- You don’t have to meditate or change your mentality/surroundings.
- You do not need anything from the outside to achieve success.
- Energetic force is infused into you to fulfill all your desires.
- You just need to listen to the audio track and follow the instructions.
- All the obstacles that stop you from achieving the pleasures of life will be removed.
- Since the program runs for 30 minutes only, you do not lose your time or energy.
- The program offers a 365-day money-back guarantee.
- You need to work regularly on this program to achieve the much-desired outcome.
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